This Week Learning

This week we are learning on how to add in math. Students will be engage in learning new ways on adding. Students are required to bring at least ten object from home and I will provide more objects to be use in the classroom. Below I will attach a websites for students to practice at home with the supervision of a parent. I will attach a practice assignments for student to do it at home and bring it back on the following next Monday.

Monday - I will introduce you "What is addition?" and what other name we called addition, such like adding, plus etc.. How we are going to use adding in math.

Tuesday- As a class we work on a few examples on adding. For example, 2 + 2 = 4 or if there's 2 fish and 2 fish came along, how many fish are there?
+= ?
Wednesday- Students will use their ten object they brought from home  and the objects I provide to work on the assignments.

Thursday- Each students will be working with a partner on a worksheets. Each students with their partner will choose one problem and demonstrate us, how they solve it.

Friday- Students will be in a group of four. I will provide problems on the white board and they will use their objects as a team to solve the problem. At the end of the day students will go home and use their learning on adding at home.

Here is the websites your child can practice at home for adding

Practice worksheets students need to do and bring it back next Monday 

Adding numbers is lots of fun
Take out your work and see what you’ve done
1 + 1 is always two
Use your bears and see what you can do
Practice many times this year
Adding will make you a math star without fear

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